Contact: +55 19 3461 0525

Graduated in Electrical Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP, Postgraduate in Marketing Administration at Universidade Salesiana Dom Bosco – UNISAL, MBA in Project Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, FGV, began his career as a technician at the Research and Development Center in Telecommunications – CPqD, after completing higher education, he joined Metroval Controle de Fluídos as an Applications Engineer and later assumed the Regional Sales Management. He later returned to CPqD as Project Manager, having participated in the project for defining the model to be adopted for Digital TV in Brazil with the Ministry of Communications. In 2005 he returned to Metroval as National Commercial Manager. Although he has worked intensively in the Telecommunications area, he achieved more prominence in the industrial automation and instrumentation market. With the start of SONARtrac (Cidra) distribution in Brazil by Metroval, it ended up specializing in the Mining market.
“Making SONARTrac a reality in mining companies in Brazil was almost a mission... The high price and initial distrust of a technology hitherto unknown by Brazilians led to a real pilgrimage to Engineering and Mining companies. Today, the main mineral pipelines in the world are in Brazil – SAMARCO and ANGLO AMERICAN/MINAS-RIO – and all lines use SONARtrac technology to ensure control of the pumping of slurry, for hundreds of kilometers to the ports of destination. There were those who said that this meter would never be used in Brazil..."

In 2014, Yellow Solutions was born, created in the spirit of partnership with Cidra, which made it possible to further catalyze the synergy with the market. Yellow works focused and in this way allows its customers, our customers, to be always well attended.
Accustomed to challenges, Yellow Solutions did not stop there.
“Now we're bringing new technologies, just as innovative and unique: Cyclonetrac, BlueCube, SmartDiver... we won't stop there. Innovation is our differential”